March 29, 2010

New Day.

"Welcome." This is the word that greeted me when I arrived at the reception lobby. May, the receptionist knew my name at once and offered a friendly handshake.

I was ushered to a small room while waiting for someone to assist me. Later, May called me to have a quick tour of the office. There's the operation department at one corner, management on the other side, and of course the pantry. I gotta say, it has a well-stuffed fridge. On one corner of the pantry has two desktops used by employees to browse the net while on lunch break. Hmm, pretty much standard right?

Then I met my trainer, Keith. I was relieved and thankful to hear him speak English so fluently. No offense meant but I completely forgot where I was haha. Anyways, the training then went on. Information overload as usual.

Then came boredom. Urgh! it's what I hate when learning theories. Keith gave me a break to read on my notes. And it sucks that I feel very sleepy reading. So I am writing this blog instead to wake myself up. I feel like my eyes are gonna shut any time soon. Hay, got an hour more to spare.


Honney said...

Wow. Congrats on your new job! How's life in SG?

Abi said...

hello, girl. so far so good naman.