March 26, 2010


One word to describe me right now, grateful. I cannot express how thankful I am for God's unconditional shower of love to me. This year started out perfectly. And I credit all of it to Him. Thank you, Lord.

There are a lot of reasons to be grateful. First, I started the year right by spending time with my new family re: in-laws. It was a very fulfilling experience. I couldn't ask for more. Second, I entered Singapore again with my new name. And lastly, I nailed a job here which I'm also excited, I'll be starting on Monday. This is something to be grateful about because in spite of the circulating rumors that Singapore is cutting down foreign-hiring, I am still lucky to beat that publicity.

And for this day, I thank Thee for we are celebrating our 3rd wedding monthsary. Big or small things that happen in our lives are worth being grateful for. What about you?