July 23, 2008

Pit-Stop. Archie have been an avid fan of Formula One Race. And for that, I've started to appreciate the game. I guess it's true what they say, "If you can't beat 'em, join them." I've watched the recent German Grand Prix and wow, I was surprised to know that the current leading driver Lewis Hamilton of Mclaren-Mercedez is only 23 years old. He just joined F1 last year and he's been very competitive. Plus, he is currently dating Nicole of Pussycat Dolls. Talk about cars and girls, that's just cool. What more can you ask?


Unfortunately, Archie is a Ferrari fan. I'd like to beat the famous and join the team of Mclaren-Mercedez. Haha! Go Hamilton!
If you would like to find all the details, visit the F1 Official Website

Image Source: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/216/451948617_5235e03f69.jpg?v=0